”His charm, humility, and sincerety are recognized
by all who know him, and he is widely regarded as expressing the religious wing
of the UFO contactee movement at its best.” This assessment of American
contactee Orfeo Angelucci (1912-1993) was given by religious scholar Robert Ellwood in The Encyclopedia of UFOs, p. 21, (edited by Ronald Story). To state
that Angelucci expressed the ”religious wing” of the movement is a bit
misleading. What he actually did was presenting a somewhat simplified version
of the Esoteric Tradition, which was the philosophy of the space people
contacting Angelucci. As a member of the Theosophical Society in America and a
priest in the Liberal Catholic Church, Robert Ellwood should have recognized the
Ancient Wisdom or Science of the Multiverse in the Angelucci story and message.
Orfeo Angelucci
The contacts with space people made in the 1950s
were not only a psychological test of the public reaction to contact with alien
visitors but also a somewhat novel way to present the Ancient Wisdom. Upon a
careful rereading of he classic books of a.o. George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci,
George Van Tassel, Daniel Fry and Howard Menger I discovered that the world
view and philosophy of the alien visitors given in these books was actually the
esoteric worldview, although expressed in novel terms. But to recognize this
fact an in-depth acquaintance with the core Esoteric Tradition (Blavatsky,
Bailey, Laurency) is a necessary prerequisite.
After many years of study of the early contactee
movement I also found strong indications that this movement was a carefully
orchestrated project by at least two alien groups. This is revealed in the
article Venusians Walk Our Streets by California journalist och esotericist
Paul M. Vest (Mystic Magazine, no. 5, Aug. 1954). From an esoteric viewpoint this is one of the most
interesting and informative articles ever written on the UFO contactee
phenomenon. Vest´s experiences and articles in Fate and Mystic Magazine has
been decisive in my formulation of an alternative Esoteric Intervention Theory.

In the Summer of 1953 Paul Vest was contacted at his
home in Santa Monica by the alien visitor ”Bill” who asked Paul to help his
group publicize the experiences of Orfeo Angelucci. This was part of a
experiment in contacting ordinary citizens in various ways by physical
meetings, ham radio, clairvoyance and clairaudience. Paul Vest was exceptionally
well equipped to handle this delicate project as an investigator of paranormal
phenomena as well as an experienced esotericist with a profound knowledge of
the Esoteric Tradition. The alien group behind Bill had obviously done a lot of
preparation before contacting Paul Vest. He is given a list of names, addresses
and telephone numbers of people in the Southern California area who had been
contacted by space visitors or would be useful because of their special
knowledge. Later Vest spent several months contacting the people on the list
given by Bill to get a verification of his claims.
Paul Vest
Orfeo Angelucci had several physical meetings with
space people and at least one trip in their spacecraft. These well known experiences
can be found on several websites and his book The Secret of the Saucers can be
downloaded as a pdf. Orfeo´s wife Mabel also met the space people on at least
two occasions, one of them an encounter with ”Bill”. She was seemingly not
amused by the visit from Bill: "Oh, that man gave me the creeps. He rang
the doorbell one day and introduced himself with an odd name I can´t remember.
He seemed to know everything about us. It frightened me - there was something
so strange and downright weird about him." The space people asked
Angelucci to go public with his experiences and he started lecturing to groups
of people in Los Angeles. Because of the harsh criticism and social stigma
resulting from his activities Mabel was very much against his activities. She
was concerned for the family reputation and their sons safety: ”Mabel pleaded
with me to forget my experiences. I tried to explain to her why I had to tell
about them, and we had some bitter misunderstandings on the subject.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.38).
Orfeo and Mabel Angelucci
On February 19, 1953 Angelucci published a
newspaper, 20th Century Times. It was essentually the same information later
published as The Secret of the Saucers (1955). He had plans to make this a
weekly newspaper but only one issue was published. In spite of his lectures and
newspaper he reached comparatively few people. But all this changed in
September 1953 when Paul Vest´s article about Angelucci was published in Ray
Palmer´s Mystic magazine: ”I was amazed at the public interest and the general
acceptance of my story. It appeared that intuitively many persons had been
prepared for the account.” (Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.116).
Obviously the work and planning of ”Bill” produced the effect hoped for by the
space people. During the rest of the 1950s and 60s Orfeo Angelucci was a
prominent member of the contactee movement and lectured at many UFO
Mystic magazine, November 1953
Continuing the tradition from Meade Layne, Desmond Leslie and Riley Crabb I will here give a few examples of esotericism in The
Secret of the Saucers, compared with a few quotes from the esoteric writings.
Laurency quotes are from the web editions.
feel a deep sense of brotherhood toward Earth´s inhabitants because of an
ancient kinship of our planet with Earth… We ask that you look upon us simply
as older brothers”.
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p. 9).
”The ancients” (initiates) called the planet Venus ”the
morning star” (not the evening star) as well as ”Lucifer” (he who brought the
light”, the knowledge to our planet). By order of the solar systemic government
the Venusian planetary government relinquished some of its members, who took
over the management of our planet when biological evolution had reached so far
that the brain of ape-man could begin to be mentalized. This was 21 million
years ago.
(Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life One, The Planetary Hierarchy, 5.7.1).
we function in dimensions unknown to man and hence interpret all things
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.12).
”You have just fully realized that we are not like
earthmen in that we function in dimensions unknown to your world.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.43).
”The last time you saw me, Orfeo, I was in a less
objectified projection in your three-dimensional world… but tonight you see me
fully objectified… tonight I am no half-phantom, but can move among men as an
Earthman… You now know that we can appear and function as human beings.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.56).
Our planet (Terra) is the only planet in the solar
system where organic life is possible. On other planets, man’s lowest envelope
(49:5-7) is an aggregate envelope and not an organic one. As a rule there is
only one such planet in each solar system. That planet is in fact given a
special task.
(Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Two, Conscious Development, 7.2.9).
Organisms are by no means necessary to the
development of consciousness in the lowest physical molecular kinds (49:5-7).
On other planets also the lowest envelope is an aggregate envelope. When a
45-self (in his second self envelope) “physicalizes”, so that he becomes
visible in the physical world, he uses the first triad the energies of which
shape a replica of his “lowest material form”, a replica as similar to the
original as possible and consisting of mental, emotional, and physical molecular
kinds. Shaping as well as dissolution is the work of an instant. This physical
body cannot be distinguished from an organism.
(Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Two, The Matter Aspect, 6.7.8-10).
all of its apparent beauty Earth is a purgatorial world among the planets
evolving intelligent life. Hate, selfishness and cruelty rise from many parts
of it like a dark mist.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.24).
”I may tell you that to the entities of certain
other worlds Earth is regarded as ´the accursed planet´, the ´home of the
reprobate, fallen ones´. Others call your Earth the ´home of sorrows´. For
Earth´s s evolution is evolution through pain, sorrows in, suffering and the
illusion of physical deaath. Belive me, all evolutions are not similar to
Earth´s, despite the present beliefs of your scientists.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.43).
”Regrettably, our very planet is the “slop-pail” of
the solar system. Monads of repulsive tendency have been transferred here from
other planets and also solar systems, such hateful types as have caused trouble
in planets with individuals of attractive tendency. “All bad qualities” are
precisely the qualities of hatred, and all too many people have acquired such
ones more than 50 per cent. It will take many incarnations before those
qualities have been supplanted by good ones.”
(Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life One, The Law, 9.45.3).
Our planet holds a special position, not just in our
solar system but also in the greater globe comprising seven solar systems.
Nowhere has such a mass of monads of repulsive basic tendency been gathered,
nowhere has the tendency to selfish individual character been so intense.
Nowhere has mankind incurred such a bad reaping by bad sowing. Our planet is
the star of sorrow in our cosmic globe.
(Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Two, Consciousness Development, 7.17.6).
"...this planet of suffering, sorrow, pain and
(Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, p. 385).
"...the unhappy little planet of suffering which we call the Earth"
(Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, p. 649).
"conditions of agony and of
distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any
other scheme."
(Alice Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 416).
Ad for The Secret of the Saucers in Fate Magazine, July 1955
there was another planet in your solar system… that planet was the original
home of Earthlings... They made war among themselves… Ultimattely they
destroyed their own planet which today exists only as a sterile and barren ring
of asteroids and debris in the solar system. In order that those entities might
gain understanding, compassion and brotherly love they were born into the
animalistic, material evolution of a lesser planet, Earth. Suffring, sorrow,
frustration and death became their teacher. Their symbol became the Man-Beast.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, p.44).
”The planetary hierarchy foresees that if religions
are not freed from fear and aggression, if they do not seek that synthesis
which eliminates the mutual antagonism and competition of the nations… then
this will in the future lead to a new world war, this time a religious war,
which in its bestiality will supersede everything and will spell the
annihilation of life on our planet… If so, it would not be the first one.
Astronomers have observed that in the wide interval between Mars and Jupiter,
instead of one planet, there are hundreds of asteroids (so far they have
discovered more than 1700). They were once part of a big planet. Will Terra
share its destiny?
(Henry T. Laurency, Knowledge of Life Five, The Black Lodge, 23.19.5).
Of interest regarding this issue is also this quote
from contactee George Hunt Williamson:
”We must now decide what to do about your planet Earth. Your bombs will destroy
Universal balance. Your Hydrogen Bomb could make an asteroid belt out of you.
This happened many years ago to planet of the fifth orbit. We knew what they
were doing but we didn´t interfere. We cannot stand by and see another waste.”
(George Hunt Williamson, The Saucers Speak, Neville Spearman 1963, p. 52).
Orfeo Angelucci
Swedish esotericist and founder of the publishing
house Parthenon, Edith Nicolaisen, corresponded with Orfeo Angelucci 1958 – 1962.
She was given the publishing rights for The Secret of the Saucers but unfortunatly
this was one of her many projects that was never implemented. Edith´s co-worker in Parthenon, Mrs. Gertrud
Bengtsson, had made a translation of the book and she asked Angelucci to write
an addendum for the Swedish edition of the book. Four pages were sent to Mrs.
Bengtsson and as this document has never been published before here are a few
quotes of interest:
Gertrud Bengtsson, pen name Hillevi Lindahl
”It is the month of May, 1962, just ten years since
the first experiences given to me in this wonderful age of new awakening. A
large volume could be written about these ten years, but the main events, the
rapid unfolding into the new awareness, the vibrant days, began May 23, 1952
and extended to the very end of the year 1954… It is not easy for me to add
this letter, fully ten years later, for I re-endorse every word, every meaning,
every effect. I am happy to make this attempt for the Swedish edition of the
book, which is due for publication in 1963…
Mabel, my wife, still remains a phenomenon. Her
smile is as dolcent as it ever was, her laugh as warbling and full as a spring
day. She still does not believe all of what I have told, but she still holds
nothing against me for it… In the past ten years Earth has made only a glimmer
of progress, and even that glimmer is in the material things, such as
electronics and satellites. In the moral and spiritual and ethical dimensions
there has been more backward sliding than forward progress… my own involvement
started May 23, 1952, the very first to announce a contact… I felt this would
be the beginning of a golden age, the final emancipation of mankind from the
last fetters of ignorance. And soon others were heard from, who also announced
contacts. These were George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Truman Bethurum, Dan
Fry, others, too may to list here.
I continued for a while to attend meetings, lectures,
an some of my own activities. Finlly I dropped my own lectures, and devoted
more time to attending thos of other contactees. George Van Tassel was in the
desert, near Yucca Valley, California, and in 1954 he continued with the idea
of conventions… Those who were able to accept the flying saucers as visitors
from other places, far advanced from us on earth have the reward of knowing
that our progress in the cosmos is not a lonely, unseen, and un-recorded series
of events. We know it is part of the Cosmic Plan, the eternal existence, and
the everlasting state of things. So, ten years have not blunted us, but
sharpened us. It is the glory of the Truth, which only a few at a time can
(Document sent in letter to Mrs. Gertrud Bengtsson, Sweden, May 1962).
Orfeo Angelucci speaking at the Giant Rock Spacecraft Convention October 14, 1961. Photo by Swedish ufologist
Kerstin Bäfverstedt
Something must have happened to Orfeo Angelucci in
the 1970s, that changed his views and perspective. He published some booklets,
very far from his earlier UFO experiences and philosophy. The Worst Crisis was
published in the beginning of the 1970s and the tone of this document reminds
more of a fundamentalist Christian from the Moral Majority than a UFO
contactee. His hope is now not the space people but evangelist Billy Graham:
”The time is near when one who is truly a shepherd
of men will step forth, break the chains that hold mankind, crumble the false
things, and rebuild it all. I, for one, feel there is such a one among us. Many
of u shave seen him, heard him, and have seen him struggle before the throngs
as though straining at the leashes that hold him… Today, this world has
experienced everyhting, good and bad. Man is landing on the moon physically,
while going into the much spiritually. But it won´t. If this wonderful leader
who is among us feels unequal to breaking the chains of rusty links that hold
him, he can at least point to one who can do so… Even as a born and abiding
Catholic, I nevertheless discern this wonderful Brother and World Helper, as
the one now known all over the world. He is BILLY GRAHAM.”
(Orfeo Angelucci, The Worst Crisis and You, p. 28).
Even more surprising is an interview with Angelucci
made in the late 1980s:
”… he appeared in a PBS documentary called California Saucers a revealed a new
spin on his previous otherwordly encounters: ”What I think happened was that I
dreamed a lot of my experiences which came back through my subconscious in
(Adam Gorightly, Greeg Bishop, ”A” is for Adamski: The Golden Age of the UFO
Contactees, p. 21). Whether Angelucci refer to some of his later more
visionary experiences or all of his space contacts I don´t know, as I haven´t
found this interview on the web. Hopefully more data on this enigma will come
The core contactee movement as represented by a.o.
George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel, Daniel Fry and Howard
Menger actually represented a unique and positive cultural impulse and a
philosophy of hope for a whole generation of humanity. They advocated a
philosophy in accordance with the Esoteric Tradition, the third intellectual
force or pillar i cultural history alongside science and religion. More
research on this aspect of the first contactees should be of interest both to ufologists specializing in contactee studies and academic scholars of Western Esotericism.
Whatever happened to
Orfeo Angelucci during his later years this assessment of him by Bryant and Helen Reeve reflects very aptly the author of The Secret of the Saucers:
”.. we discovered that we were indeed talking with an individual of great
spiritual advancement, discernment and experience. By this we do not mean that
he was what people call a ”religious” person far from it. There is a tremendous
gap between religious orthodoxy, and the type of cosmic advancement we found i
(Bryant and Helen Reeve, Flying Saucer Pilgrimage, p. 223. They interviewed
Angelucci on September 19, 1955).